Fabrice Le Lec
Professor at the University of Lille
Lille Economics and Management (UMR CNRS 9221)

Associate Researcher at the Anthropo-Lab, Ethics EA 7446

Associate Researcher at Irisk, IESEG

Research -- Data -- Teaching -- Links -- Vitae -- Varia -- Vers. Française

- Research

I currently do research in behavioral/experimental economics, with an emphasis on topics such as social preferences (and behavioral game theory in general), risk and uncertainty attitude (in particular in social contexts), and attitude to choice.

- Teaching

Some resources in connection to my courses (slides, datasets, syllabus, etc.).

- Data

Datasets related to my papers, for researchers, not students (see above the teaching section).


Links to co-authors, people I work with more generally, various institutions, and useful websites.

- Vitae

Self-explanatory, right?

- Varia

The rest....